Do Exact Match Domains Still Work Anymore?

Building a successful marketing strategy and online presence for a company involves making pivotal decisions, and one of the most crucial is choosing the right domain name for the website. 

When deciding on a domain name, businesses must consider whether an exact match domain (EMD) or a branded domain is a better fit. In the past, EMDs were widely used due to their keyword optimization, which attracted significant website traffic. 

However, with changes in search engine algorithms and the focus on user experience, branded domains have become more popular.

If you are looking for a  Domain Name for your business, you should explore various Domain Hosting providers in Singapore. They are known for their seamless Domain Name registration and excellent services.

Also, if you are curious about the differences between Exact Match and Branded Domains, this article is a must-read. It will help you understand the distinctions better.

What Are Exact Match Domain Names (EMDs)?

Exact Match Domain Names (EMDs) are domain names that precisely match a keyword or phrase relevant to the content or business of the website. For example, if someone owns a website about “,” and sells shoes, the domain name “” is an exact match domain because it directly matches the keyword “best shoes.”

ProsEMDs can convey the website’s focus or services directly, making it easier for users to understand the website.
ConsFinding an available EMD can be challenging, as many popular keywords are already taken. 

What Are Branded Domains?

Branded Domains are domain names that incorporate the company or brand name rather than targeting specific keywords. For example, “” is a branded domain because it represents the Nike brand, even though it doesn’t directly contain the word “shoes.”

ProsBranded domains help establish a strong brand identity, making it easier for customers to remember and relate to the website.
ConsBranded domains may require more effort to rank for non-brand-specific keywords, as they do not directly target search terms.

Differences between Exact Match and Branded Domains

AspectExact Match Domains (EMDs)Branded Domains
SEO ImpactIt had SEO advantages in the past, but now, search engine algorithms focus more on brand authority and user experience.It requires more effort to rank for non-brand-specific keywords but benefits from the overall authority and reputation of the brand.
Brand RecognitionProvide clarity about the website’s focus or services but may lack the brand recognition that a branded domain offers.Help establish a robust brand identity, making it easier for customers to remember the website.
FlexibilityLimit branding efforts as the domain name focuses solely on specific keywords.Offer more flexibility for branding and expansion, as they are not limited to specific keywords.
AvailabilityFinding available EMDs with popular keywords is challenging, as many relevant domain names are already taken.Offer more options in domain name choices, as they are not bound to specific keywords.


Depending on a company’s marketing goals, you can buy a domain for your business, whether EMD or a brand domain. 

EMDs and PMDs can still be effective if carefully used, while branded domains are advantageous for businesses willing to build a strong brand image and emotional connection with customers. 

Therefore, you can Ultimately, the future of domain names seems to favor branded domains, as they are more relatable, memorable, and accepted by both search engines and customers.

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